3 回答
我把所有的VideoUrlParser.php 里返回的embed改成了 iframe 在手机端还是不成功呢?
楼主能发下 具体如何实现吗?能把改好的代码发上来么?谢谢
* @license PHP Version 3.0 {@link} * * Usage * require_once "VideoUrlParser.class.php"; * $urls = ""; * $urls = ""; * $urls = ""; * $urls = ""; * $urls = ""; * $urls = ""; * $urls = ""; * $urls = ""; * * foreach($urls as $url){ * $info = VideoUrlParser::parse($url); * //var_dump($info); * echo "{$info['title']}"; * echo "
"; * echo $info['object']; * echo "
"; * } * * * * // 优酷 * * * * // 土豆 * * * * // 56 * * * * // Youtube * * */ class Services_VideoUrlParser { const USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/601.2.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.1 Safari/601.2.7'; const CHECK_URL_VALID = "/(youku\.com|tudou\.com|56\.com|(my\.)?tv\.sohu\.com|v\.qq\.com|youtube\.com)/"; /** * parse * * @param string $url * @static * @access public * @return void */ static public function parse($url = '') { $lowerurl = strtolower($url); if (strstr($lowerurl, '.swf')) { return ''; } preg_match(self::CHECK_URL_VALID, $lowerurl, $matches); if (!$matches) { return ''; } if (!$data = AWS_APP::cache()->get('video_parse_' . md5($url))) { switch ($matches[1]) { case '' : $data = self::_parseYouku($url); break; case '' : $data = self::_parseTudou($url); break; case '' : $data = self::_parse56($url); break; case '' : case '' : case '' : $data = self::_parseSohu($url); break; case '' : $data = self::_parseQq($url); break; case '' : $data = self::_parseYoutube($url); break; default : return $url; } if ($data) { AWS_APP::cache()->set('video_parse_' . md5($url), $data, 3600, 'video_parser'); } } if ($data) { if ($data['iframe']) { return ''; } else { return ''; } } return '
'; } /** * 腾讯视频 * * * * * */ static private function _parseQq($url) { $html = self::_fget($url); preg_match('/vid:"(\w+)"/i', $html, $matches); if (!$vid = $matches[1]) { return false; } preg_match('/
/i', $html, $matches); $data['title'] = $matches[1]; preg_match('/pic :"(.+)"/i', $html, $matches); $data['img'] = $matches[1]; $data['url'] = $url; $data['swf'] = '' . $vid . '&auto=0'; return $data; } /** * 优酷网 * * */ static private function _parseYouku($url) { preg_match("#id\_(\w+(?:==)?)#", $url, $matches); if (empty($matches)) { preg_match("#v_playlist\/#", $url, $mat); if (!$mat) { return false; } $html = self::_fget($url); preg_match("#videoId2\s*=\s*\'(\w+)\'#", $html, $matches); if (!$matches) { return false; } } return array( 'url' => $url, 'iframe' => "{$matches[1]}/v.swf" ); $link = "{$matches[1]}/timezone/+08/version/5/source/out?password=&ran=2513&n=3"; $retval = self::_cget($link); if ($retval) { $json = json_decode($retval, true); $data['img'] = $json['data'][0]['logo']; $data['title'] = $json['data'][0]['title']; $data['url'] = $url; $data['iframe'] = "{$matches[1]}"; return $data; } else { return false; } } /** * 土豆网 * * * * * */ static private function _parseTudou($url) { $html = self::_fget($url); preg_match('/icode: \'(\w+)\'/i', $html, $matches); $icode = $matches[1]; if (!$icode) return false; preg_match('/kw: \'(.+)\'/i', $html, $matches); $data['title'] = $matches[1]; preg_match('/pic: \'(.+)\'/i', $html, $matches); $data['img'] = $matches[1]; $data['url'] = $url; $data['swf'] = '' . $icode . '/'; return $data; } /** * 56网 * * */ static private function _parse56($url) { preg_match("#/v_(\w+)\.html#", $url, $matches); if (empty($matches)) { return false; } $link = "{$matches[1]}/?src=out"; $retval = self::_cget($link); if ($retval) { $json = json_decode($retval, true); $data['img'] = $json['info']['img']; $data['title'] = $json['info']['Subject']; $data['url'] = $url; $data['swf'] = "{$matches[1]}.swf"; return $data; } else { return false; } } // 搜狐TV static private function _parseSohu($url) { $html = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8', self::_fget($url)); preg_match_all('##i', $html, $matches); $data['img'] = $matches[2][2]; $data['title'] = $matches[2][1]; $data['url'] = $url; $data['swf'] = $matches[2][0]; return $data; } static private function _parseYoutube($url) { preg_match("#\?v=([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)#", $url, $matches); if (!$matches[1]) { return false; } //$contents = self::_fget($url); //preg_match_all("#
([^<]+)<\/title>#", $contents, $contentMatches); $data['img'] = "{$matches[1]}/0.jpg"; //$data['title'] = $contentMatches[1][0]; $data['url'] = $url; $data['iframe'] = "{$matches[1]}"; return $data; } /* * 通过 file_get_contents 获取内容 */ static private function _fget($url = '') { if (!$url) { return false; } $html = self::_vita_get_url_content($url); // 判断是否gzip压缩 if ($dehtml = self::_gzdecode($html)) { return $dehtml; } else { return $html; } } /* * 通过 fsockopen 获取内容 */ static private function _fsget($path = '/', $host = '', $user_agent = '') { if (!$path || !$host) { return false; } $user_agent = $user_agent ? $user_agent : self::USER_AGENT; $out = << [1]; $xfl = substr($data, 8, 1); $os = substr($data, 8, 1); $headerlen = 10; $extralen = 0; $extra = ""; if ($flags & 4) { // 2-byte length prefixed EXTRA data in header if ($len - $headerlen - 2 < 8) { return false; // Invalid format } $extralen = unpack("v", substr($data, 8, 2)); $extralen = $extralen[1]; if ($len - $headerlen - 2 - $extralen < 8) { return false; // Invalid format } $extra = substr($data, 10, $extralen); $headerlen += 2 + $extralen; } $filenamelen = 0; $filename = ""; if ($flags & 8) { // C-style string file NAME data in header if ($len - $headerlen - 1 < 8) { return false; // Invalid format } $filenamelen = strpos(substr($data, 8 + $extralen), chr(0)); if ($filenamelen === false || $len - $headerlen - $filenamelen - 1 < 8) { return false; // Invalid format } $filename = substr($data, $headerlen, $filenamelen); $headerlen += $filenamelen + 1; } $commentlen = 0; $comment = ""; if ($flags & 16) { // C-style string COMMENT data in header if ($len - $headerlen - 1 < 8) { return false; // Invalid format } $commentlen = strpos(substr($data, 8 + $extralen + $filenamelen), chr(0)); if ($commentlen === false || $len - $headerlen - $commentlen - 1 < 8) { return false; // Invalid header format } $comment = substr($data, $headerlen, $commentlen); $headerlen += $commentlen + 1; } $headercrc = ""; if ($flags & 1) { // 2-bytes (lowest order) of CRC32 on header present if ($len - $headerlen - 2 < 8) { return false; // Invalid format } $calccrc = crc32(substr($data, 0, $headerlen)) & 0xffff; $headercrc = unpack("v", substr($data, $headerlen, 2)); $headercrc = $headercrc[1]; if ($headercrc != $calccrc) { return false; // Bad header CRC } $headerlen += 2; } // GZIP FOOTER - These be negative due to PHP's limitations $datacrc = unpack("V", substr($data, -8, 4)); $datacrc = $datacrc[1]; $isize = unpack("V", substr($data, -4)); $isize = $isize[1]; // Perform the decompression: $bodylen = $len - $headerlen - 8; if ($bodylen < 1) { // This should never happen - IMPLEMENTATION BUG! return null; } $body = substr($data, $headerlen, $bodylen); $data = ""; if ($bodylen > 0) { switch ($method) { case 8 : // Currently the only supported compression method: $data = gzinflate($body); break; default : // Unknown compression method return false; } } else { //... } if ($isize != strlen($data) || crc32($data) != $datacrc) { // Bad format! Length or CRC doesn't match! return false; } return $data; } }