public function set_rewrite() { if (!defined('G_INDEX_SCRIPT')) { return false; } $request_main = $this->request_main; if (!$request_main OR $this->index_script == $request_main) { $this->controller = 'main'; $this->action = 'index'; return $this; } $request = explode('?', $request_main, 2); if (count($request) == 1) { $request = explode('&', $request_main, 2); } $uri = array( 'first' => array_shift($request), 'last' => ltrim(implode($request), '?') ); if ($uri['last']) { parse_str($uri['last'], $query_string); foreach ($query_string AS $key => $val) { if (!$_GET[$key]) { if (! strstr($val, '%')) { $_GET[$key] = $val; } else { $_GET[$key] = urldecode($val); } } } } /************************************ * 修改部份 * 过滤首尾符号 ***********************************/ $uri['first'] = trim($uri['first'], $this->params['sep_act']); $request = explode($this->params['sep_act'], $uri['first']); /**end******************************/ $uri['first'] = array( 'pattern' => '', 'args' => $request ); $__app_dir = $this->default_vars['app_dir']; // 应用目录 $this->controller = $this->default_vars['controller']; // 控制器 $this->action = $this->default_vars['action']; // 动作 $args_var_str = ''; // 删除空值 foreach ($uri['first']['args'] AS $key => $val) { if (strstr($val, $this->params['sep_value']) AND !$start_key) { $start_key = $key; } else if ($start_key) { $uri['first']['args'][$start_key] .= $this->params['sep_act'] . $val; unset($uri['first']['args'][$key]); } } // 网址解析 /************************************ * 修改部份 * app_dir/controller/action/id * app_dir/ajax/controller/action/id ***********************************/ $args_count = count($uri['first']['args']); if ($args_count < 5) { for ($i=0; $i<(5-$args_count); $i++) { $uri['first']['args'][] = ''; } } list($_app, $_controller, $_action, $_id, $_ajax) = $uri['first']['args']; $route_rules = array( "{$_app}/{$_controller}/{$_action}/{$_id}/{$_ajax}", "{$_app}/{$_controller}/{$_action}/{$this->default_vars['action']}/{$_id}", "{$_app}/{$_controller}/{$_action}/{$this->default_vars['action']}", "{$_app}/{$_controller}/{$_action}/{$_id}", "{$_app}/{$_controller}/{$this->default_vars['action']}/{$_action}", "{$_app}/{$_controller}/{$this->default_vars['action']}", "{$_app}/{$this->default_vars['controller']}/{$_controller}/{$_action}", "{$_app}/{$this->default_vars['controller']}/{$this->default_vars['action']}/{$_controller}", "{$_app}/{$this->default_vars['controller']}/{$this->default_vars['action']}", "{$this->default_vars['app_dir']}/{$this->default_vars['controller']}/{$_app}/{$_controller}", "{$this->default_vars['app_dir']}/{$this->default_vars['controller']}/{$this->default_vars['action']}/{$_app}", "{$this->default_vars['app_dir']}/{$this->default_vars['controller']}/{$this->default_vars['action']}", ); foreach ($route_rules as $key => $rule) { if (strpos($rule, '//') !== false) { continue; } if (substr($rule, -1) === '/') { continue; } list($_app, $_controller, $_action, $_id, $_ajax) = explode('/',$rule); if ($_ajax === null) { $_controller_file = ROOT_PATH . 'app/' . $_app . '/' . $_controller . '.php'; if (file_exists($_controller_file) AND !strstr($_action, '=') AND !strstr($_action, '__') AND !strstr($_action, '-') AND !strstr($_action, '.')) { $__app_dir = $_app; //应用目录 $this->controller = $_controller; //控制器 $this->action = $_action; //动作 $args_var_str = $_id; //参数 $__app_dir = $_app; break; } } else { $_controller_file = ROOT_PATH . 'app/' . $_app . '/' . $_controller . '/' . $_action . '.php'; if (file_exists($_controller_file) AND !strstr($_id, '=') AND !strstr($_id, '__') AND !strstr($_id, '-') AND !strstr($_id, '.')) { $__app_dir = $_app; //应用目录 $this->controller = $_controller . '/' . $_action; //控制器 $this->action = $_id; //动作 $args_var_str = $_ajax; //参数 break; } } } /**end******************************/ $this->app_dir = ROOT_PATH . 'app/' . $__app_dir . '/'; $_GET['c'] = $this->controller; $_GET['act'] = $this->action; $_GET['app'] = $__app_dir; if ($args_var_str) { if (substr($args_var_str, 0, strlen($this->params['sep_var'])) == $this->params['sep_var']) { $args_var_str = substr($args_var_str, strlen($this->params['sep_var'])); } if (!strstr($args_var_str,'-')) { $_GET['id'] = urldecode($args_var_str); } $uri['last'] = explode($this->params['sep_var'], $args_var_str); foreach ($uri['last'] as $val) { @list($k, $v) = explode($this->params['sep_value'], $val, 2); if ($k) { if (! strstr($v, '%')) { $_GET[$k] = $v; } else { $_GET[$k] = urldecode($v); } } } } foreach ($_GET AS $key => $val) { if (strstr($key, '/')) { unset($_GET[$key]); } } return $this; }