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itreemode 初级会员 用户来自于: 广东省深圳市
2016-02-29 19:49
似乎是 jquery.date_input.js 错误,你用我这份替换试一下吧
DateInput = (function($) { // Localise the $ function

	DateInput.DEFAULT_OPTS = {
		month_names: ["一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"],
		short_month_names: ["一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "十二"],
		short_day_names: ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"],
		start_of_week: 0

	function DateInput(el, opts) {
		if (typeof(opts) != "object") opts = {};
		$.extend(this, DateInput.DEFAULT_OPTS, opts);
		this.input = $(el);
		this.bindMethodsToObj("show", "hide", "hideIfClickOutside", "keydownHandler", "selectDate");
	DateInput.prototype = {
		build: function() {
			var monthNav = $('

' + '«' + ' ' + '»' + '

'); this.monthNameSpan = $(".month_name", monthNav); $(".prev", monthNav).click(this.bindToObj(function() { this.moveMonthBy(-1); })); $(".next", monthNav).click(this.bindToObj(function() { this.moveMonthBy(1); })); var yearNav = $('

' + '«' + ' ' + '»' + '

'); this.yearNameSpan = $(".year_name", yearNav); $(".prev", yearNav).click(this.bindToObj(function() { this.moveMonthBy(-12); })); $(".next", yearNav).click(this.bindToObj(function() { this.moveMonthBy(12); })); var nav = $('').append(monthNav, yearNav); var tableShell = ""; $(this.adjustDays(this.short_day_names)).each(function() { tableShell += ""; }); tableShell += "
" + this + "
"; this.dateSelector = this.rootLayers = $('
').append(nav, tableShell).insertAfter(this.input); if (/MSIE 6/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { this.ieframe = $('').insertBefore(this.dateSelector); this.rootLayers = this.rootLayers.add(this.ieframe); $(".buttonx", nav).mouseover(function() { $(this).addClass("hover") }); $(".buttonx", nav).mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass("hover") }); }; this.tbody = $("tbody", this.dateSelector); this.input.change(this.bindToObj(function() { this.selectDate(); })); this.selectDate(); }, selectMonth: function(date) { var newMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1); if (!this.currentMonth || !(this.currentMonth.getFullYear() == newMonth.getFullYear() && this.currentMonth.getMonth() == newMonth.getMonth())) { this.currentMonth = newMonth; var rangeStart = this.rangeStart(date), rangeEnd = this.rangeEnd(date); var numDays = this.daysBetween(rangeStart, rangeEnd); var dayCells = ""; for (var i = 0; i <= numDays; i++) { var currentDay = new Date(rangeStart.getFullYear(), rangeStart.getMonth(), rangeStart.getDate() + i, 12, 00); if (this.isFirstDayOfWeek(currentDay)) dayCells += ""; if (currentDay.getMonth() == date.getMonth()) { dayCells += '' + currentDay.getDate() + ''; } else { dayCells += '' + currentDay.getDate() + ''; }; if (this.isLastDayOfWeek(currentDay)) dayCells += ""; }; this.tbody.empty().append(dayCells); this.monthNameSpan.empty().append(this.monthName(date)); this.yearNameSpan.empty().append(this.currentMonth.getFullYear()); $(".selectable_day", this.tbody).click(this.bindToObj(function(event) { this.changeInput($(event.target).attr("date")); })); $("td[date='" + this.dateToString(new Date()) + "']", this.tbody).addClass("today"); $("td.selectable_day", this.tbody).mouseover(function() { $(this).addClass("hover") }); $("td.selectable_day", this.tbody).mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass("hover") }); }; $('.selected', this.tbody).removeClass("selected"); $('td[date="' + this.selectedDateString + '"]', this.tbody).addClass("selected"); }, selectDate: function(date) { if (typeof(date) == "undefined") { date = this.stringToDate(this.input.val()); }; if (!date) date = new Date(); this.selectedDate = date; this.selectedDateString = this.dateToString(this.selectedDate); this.selectMonth(this.selectedDate); }, changeInput: function(dateString) { this.input.val(dateString).change(); this.hide(); }, show: function() { this.rootLayers.css("display", "block"); $([window, document.body]).click(this.hideIfClickOutside); this.input.unbind("focus", this.show); $(document.body).keydown(this.keydownHandler); this.setPosition(); }, hide: function() { this.rootLayers.css("display", "none"); $([window, document.body]).unbind("click", this.hideIfClickOutside); this.input.focus(this.show); $(document.body).unbind("keydown", this.keydownHandler); }, hideIfClickOutside: function(event) { if (event.target != this.input[0] && !this.insideSelector(event)) { this.hide(); }; }, insideSelector: function(event) { var offset = this.dateSelector.position(); offset.right = offset.left + this.dateSelector.outerWidth(); offset.bottom = offset.top + this.dateSelector.outerHeight(); return event.pageY < offset.bottom && event.pageY > offset.top && event.pageX < offset.right && event.pageX > offset.left; }, keydownHandler: function(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 9: case 27: this.hide(); return; break; case 13: this.changeInput(this.selectedDateString); break; case 33: this.moveDateMonthBy(event.ctrlKey ? -12 : -1); break; case 34: this.moveDateMonthBy(event.ctrlKey ? 12 : 1); break; case 38: this.moveDateBy(-7); break; case 40: this.moveDateBy(7); break; case 37: this.moveDateBy(-1); break; case 39: this.moveDateBy(1); break; default: return; } event.preventDefault(); }, stringToDate: function(string) { var matches; if (matches = string.match(/^(\d{1,2}) ([^\s]+) (\d{4,4})$/)) { return new Date(matches[3], this.shortMonthNum(matches[2]), matches[1], 12, 00); } else { return null; }; }, dateToString: function(date) { var month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString(); var dom = date.getDate().toString(); if (month.length == 1) month = "0" + month; if (dom.length == 1) dom = "0" + dom; return date.getFullYear() + "-" + month + "-" + dom; }, setPosition: function() { var offset = this.input.offset(); this.rootLayers.css({ top: offset.top + this.input.outerHeight(), left: offset.left }); if (this.ieframe) { this.ieframe.css({ width: this.dateSelector.outerWidth(), height: this.dateSelector.outerHeight() }); }; }, moveDateBy: function(amount) { var newDate = new Date(this.selectedDate.getFullYear(), this.selectedDate.getMonth(), this.selectedDate.getDate() + amount); this.selectDate(newDate); }, moveDateMonthBy: function(amount) { var newDate = new Date(this.selectedDate.getFullYear(), this.selectedDate.getMonth() + amount, this.selectedDate.getDate()); if (newDate.getMonth() == this.selectedDate.getMonth() + amount + 1) { newDate.setDate(0); }; this.selectDate(newDate); }, moveMonthBy: function(amount) { var newMonth = new Date(this.currentMonth.getFullYear(), this.currentMonth.getMonth() + amount, this.currentMonth.getDate()); this.selectMonth(newMonth); }, monthName: function(date) { return this.month_names[date.getMonth()]; }, bindToObj: function(fn) { var self = this; return function() { return fn.apply(self, arguments) }; }, bindMethodsToObj: function() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { this[arguments[i]] = this.bindToObj(this[arguments[i]]); }; }, indexFor: function(array, value) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (value == array[i]) return i; }; }, monthNum: function(month_name) { return this.indexFor(this.month_names, month_name); }, shortMonthNum: function(month_name) { return this.indexFor(this.short_month_names, month_name); }, shortDayNum: function(day_name) { return this.indexFor(this.short_day_names, day_name); }, daysBetween: function(start, end) { start = Date.UTC(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate()); end = Date.UTC(end.getFullYear(), end.getMonth(), end.getDate()); return (end - start) / 86400000; }, changeDayTo: function(dayOfWeek, date, direction) { var difference = direction * (Math.abs(date.getDay() - dayOfWeek - (direction * 7)) % 7); return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + difference); }, rangeStart: function(date) { return this.changeDayTo(this.start_of_week, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()), -1); }, rangeEnd: function(date) { return this.changeDayTo((this.start_of_week - 1) % 7, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0), 1); }, isFirstDayOfWeek: function(date) { return date.getDay() == this.start_of_week; }, isLastDayOfWeek: function(date) { return date.getDay() == (this.start_of_week - 1) % 7; }, adjustDays: function(days) { var newDays = []; for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) { newDays[i] = days[(i + this.start_of_week) % 7]; }; return newDays; } }; $.fn.date_input = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { new DateInput(this, opts); }); }; $.date_input = { initialize: function(opts) { $("input.date_input").date_input(opts); } }; return DateInput; })(jQuery); // End localisation of the $ function



2016-02-27 15:52
2016-07-15 12:49
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